Online Open Day

‘Learn to Love; Love to Learn; Learn for Life’ IMG_8459 IMG_8457

As we advance through what has been another difficult year, we are aware that many of you will now be considering where you would like you child to start their learning journey in 2022 and beyond.

Colwich Church of England Primary School is a very special place and we are delighted to welcome you and your child. As a village school we value our close links with the local community and our local church, St Michael and All Angels.

Our aim is to create an environment that is rich in learning opportunity and in which each child can flourish and feels a sense of being valued as a person; as a member of society and as a member of the wider Christian community. We emphasise the importance of developing the child as a whole person within a community of caring relationships.

We believe that a strong partnership between parents, teachers, governors, church and pupils is vital if our children are to reach their full potential; academically, socially and spiritually. Many visitors comment on the special caring ethos of the school and we believe that the quality of relationships, based on Christian values, within the school environment is central to making it a happy, productive and secure place for our children.

Whilst this website will give you a flavour of school life, I would like to extend an invitation for you to visit the school and see us at work. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit. You will be assured of a warm welcome by staff and children.

Alison De Ste Croix


Below will find a welcome video, a virtual tour of the school, a sneak peek at the Reception classroom and an a-z.

To register your interest in our school, please contact our school office.

To apply for a place, please click here.

Finally, if after looking through this information you would still like further information, please contact our school office on 01889 881286 or

Headteacher’s Welcome

Virtual School Tour

EYFS Teacher’s Welcome

Life in Early Years

 A-Z of starting school at Colwich Primary School

A-Z starting school (1)