Hints & Tips


Leaflets to help parents read with their children effectively.

Reading Leaflet KS1
Reading Leaflet KS2

Year 6 SATS

Revision resources

All Year 6 pupils have been issued with an English and Maths revision homework book published by CGP. These are fantastic resources to help pupils prepare. We ask that you support children in completing their weekly homework tasks in these books. They include handy guides to give thorough coverage of the knowledge and skills the children will need to take their SATS, explaining the concepts and terminology, as well as presenting some key questions to check pupil understanding. The SATS papers are a test of all learning from across Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to 6) and so learning from the past four years will be tested on each paper.

In addition to these revision homework books, listed below are some additional resources that may be of use to you as your child prepares for their SATS. The list below is by no means exhaustive but it is designed to help parents access relevant additional materials to help with revision.


CORBETT MATHS – This free website is designed for Maths revision with video guides, questions and answers to work through at home. There are also differentiated ‘5 a day’ mixed questions, in a SATS-style format, which the children can use daily to keep their Maths learning current. https://corbettmathsprimary.com/

SATS PRACTICE MATERIALS – This website has prepared question and answer booklets based on previous SATS papers and organised them into areas of Maths of revision. The questions and the answers can be downloaded for free. https://www.satspapersguide.co.uk/sats-information/free-sats-resources/free-maths-sats-resources/

WHITE ROSE Y6 CURRICULUM WORKBOOKS – These resources are produced by our Maths Scheme to help consolidate learning from in school, across all areas of Maths in the primary curriculum. The resources are available to download from the following website for free. https://whiterosemaths.com/parent-resources

VIDEOS FOR LEARNING – Many of the methods and strategies taught in Maths may be different from those parents learned at school. White Rose have also produced teaching videos for each area of the Maths curriculum, for each year group. These can be accessed using the link below: please then select Year 6 (New Schemes) and tick Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms to have access to all appropriate teaching videos. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning

BBC BITESIZE FOR KS2 – The BBC has collated and organised revision resources for Maths, including supporting guides and interactive games for both aspects of the Maths SATS.

Arithmetic – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrd6mfr

Reasoning – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7ch6v4

English Reading and SPaG

BBC BITESIZE FOR KS2 – The BBC has collated and organised revision resources for English, including supporting guides and interactive games for both grammar and reading SATS tests.

SPaG – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbh892p

Reading – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7vm7nb


SATS PRACTISE MATERIALS – This website has prepared question and answer booklets based on previous SATS papers and organised them into questions about different types of texts (aimed at the Reading tests primarily). The questions and the answers can be downloaded for free. https://www.satspapersguide.co.uk/sats-information/free-sats-resources/free-english-sats-resources/ 

GRAMMARSAURUS – Grammarsaurus provides a wealth of resources for revision across all subjects, but especially for grammar and reading.

Punctuation Questions – https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5afaf00eb10598539ab59736/t/6221ddf8cac6d839af3b9ae0/1646386681237/free-punctuation-sats-style-questions.pdf

Word Class Questions – https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5afaf00eb10598539ab59736/t/6221ddc763b4e308fdffa068/1646386633160/SPAG+-+Word+Class+Activity.pdf

Young Minds – Support around exams and revision

Here are two really useful resources about how to place SATS into perspective, how to encourage your child to feel confident about themselves coming up to the tests and how to support them in preparing for SATS week. The advice in the parent guide is sensible and proactive which will help all our pupils do their best in the weeks ahead.

For pupils – https://www.youngminds.org.uk/young-person/coping-with-life/exam-stress/ 

For parents – https://www.youngminds.org.uk/parent/parents-a-z-mental-health-guide/exam-time/