Vision & Values

God is Love, so we learn to love; Love to learn; Learn for Life.

Everything that we do at Colwich is driven by our Christian vision, mission and values.


1 John 4.16

Our vision is that every child is fully welcomed into our supportive community and discovers their value as a unique child of God. Through the highest quality of teaching and learning, we endeavour to nurture them so that they leave us as confident, curious and resilient life-long learners ready to fulfil their God given potential. We are guided by our Christian values to inspire one another to flourish through life’s journey.

‘Start children off on the right path. And even when they are old, they will not turn away from it.’ (Proverbs 22:6 NRIV)


  • develop and maintain a constructive, purposeful and aspirational school environment in which high expectations of teaching, learning and behaviour allow all to flourish;
  • provide a broad and balanced curriculum in order to inspire a life-long love of learning, enabling opportunities for all children to be confident and curious;
  • ensure that staff are given the opportunity to continually develop their skills and knowledge;
  • develop aspiration in all our children giving them the resilience to overcome barriers and the knowledge to make positive choices.
  • instil a sense of wonder at God’s creation which nurtures a desire to learn and care for people and the environment
  • Provide support for the positive mental and physical health wellbeing and spirituality of all our children and staff so that all feel respected and valued developing a sense of self-belief and self-worth
  • welcome all into our fully inclusive environment by celebrating the rich diversity of the school, local and global community and giving all the opportunity to understand and respect difference and diversity.
  • give children the opportunity and desire to contribute to both the school and the wider community and the confidence to challenge injustice.
  • work in partnership with our local church, diocese and MAT to ensure that the Christian values are at the heart of all we do.
  • encourage every individual to thrive, tailoring care and support to the specific needs of individual children and their families.
  • promote a culture of friendship good manners, courtesy, mutual respect and co-operation







Encourage one another and build each other up.

(1 Thessalonians 5:11)

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

(Philippians 4:13)

My God is my strength in whom I trust.

(Psalm 18:2)

Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, gentleness and patience.

(Colossians 3:12)

Live in harmony with one another.

(Romans 12:16)