Welcome to our PTFA

Our aims are to enrich the school community and raise money for the whole school with fun family events and fundraisers.  With the funds raised we are then able to contribute towards new classroom technology or learning tools, outdoor equipment, school visits and experience days to name a few.

We are always happy to welcome new volunteers so please come along to a meeting or have a chat with a PTFA member to find out more.

You can also find us on Facebook (Colwich School PTFA) or you can email:

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Latest News

PTFA – The Scoop – May 2024

Help us whilst you shop?

Easy Fundraising

Help raise money for Colwich CE Primary School PTFA when shopping online!

Easyfundraising has over 4k retailers including Amazon, Argos, ASOS, Booking.Com, Ebay, Boden and M&S, so whether doing your weekly shop, buying presents or renewing insurances please visit this site. When shopping online simply log on to Easyfundraising find your retailer and you will raise a free donation each time you shop, it is that easy!  To sign up please follow the QR code above.


19.09.23 – Colwich PTFA Meeting Minutes

PTFA Leaflet

Colwich PTFA Leaflet 2023

Colwich PTFA Constitution

Next Meeting …

Please contact Lucy Ward (Chairperson) for details or other queries. Email: