Our History

Miss Charlotte Sparrow founded Colwich School in 1827. She played an important role in both the life of Colwich School and in the Colwich village community.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Charlotte saw the need for all the children of the community to have an education. In 1827 she opened Colwich School in the old school house. She paid for everything herself, including the salaries of the teachers, books, materials and repairs. The total costs for a year came to £180.

Things were slightly different then. Only boys were admitted to the school and it offered education for up to 170 pupils of school age. It was not until 1860 that girls were first admitted and a further building was built for them. In 1958 the school became a primary school with older children attending the new secondary school at Hixon. The school was extended again to include a school hall and over the years has had a library and several extra classrooms built. In many ways Charlotte Sparrow was ahead of her time. She had a vision of what she wanted for the people of her local community and made practical plans to achieve her goals. She clearly understood the importance of both education and religion in improving everyday life for individuals and their families.

Charlotte’s view that education was an ongoing process that would equip children for life is very much still part of our school ethos. At Colwich School, we mark the occasion of her birthday every year with a special service during which the children place flowers on her grave and celebrate her life. It is an occasion when Charlotte’s vision and values are remembered along with her legacy to our school community.