Local Academy Committee

Our Local Academy Committee
As Colwich is an academy within a ‘MAT’ its governance structure differs from that of a County Council maintained school and is as follows:

MAT Members’ Board
Members hold ultimate accountability for the schools within the MAT and have the power to appoint and remove directors. Members sign off directors’ annual financial statements and report.

MAT Board of Directors/Trustees
The main responsibilities of the directors or trustees are to ensure the quality of educational provision within the MAT schools and to ensure that operation is in accordance with the Funding Agreement between the MAT and the Education Funding Agency (part of the Department for Education). Directors report annually to the members on progress and present their financial statements and annual report. Within the Board of Directors there is a separate Finance committee which provides financial oversight to other members of the Board.

Local Academy Committee
The main responsibilities of the Local Academy Committee for Colwich (and of those of the other MAT schools) are to support the vision of the MAT; to provide a monitoring role in connection with the operations of the school and to represent the views of the local community. Governors report to directors through approved minutes and headteacher’s regular reports. The Local Academy committee meets at least twice a term.

Our Current Committee

Governor Category Office/Membership Term of Office
Mrs R Barry Parent Governor

Chair of Governors

SEND and Pupil Premium Link Governor

Dec’20 – Dec’24
Rev. M Davys Foundation Governor Vice Chair of Governors

Christian Distinctiveness  Link Governor

Apr’21 – Apr’25
Mrs J Hargreaves Staff Governor   Jan’24 – Jan’28
Miss A De Ste Croix Headteacher Governor   Jan’24 – Jan’28
Mr D Piper Parent Governor Sport Premium Link Governor Dec’23 – Dec’27
Miss S Ward Community Governor Safeguarding Link Governor

Health and Safety Link Governor

Mar’22 – Mar’28

Local Academy Committee Documents 2022-2023

Declaration of Pecuniary Interests_2022_2023

Governor Attendance at LAC meeting 2022_2023


Are you interested in joining our committee?

We currently have a vacancy for a parent and foundation governor.

Please read the information below or contact the headteacher for an informal discussion about the post.

Become a Parent Governor