School Council

At Colwich Primary school, we respect and value the fundamental British values of democracy and ensure the views and opinions of our pupils are expressed. At the beginning of September, the children elect school council members  from each year group. All pupils are invited to stand as School Council representatives and are voted for fairly and democratically by their peers. The Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary are then voted for by the elected members of the School Council.

The School Council  meets every month to discuss issues raised by the children and  ideas  to help improve our school even further.

Aims of the School Council:

  1. To give the pupils a ‘voice’ in our school.
  2. To encourage collaboration between pupils of different ages.
  3. To give our pupils the opportunity to work alongside other members of our school community (staff, governors, parents and visitors).
  4. To allow pupils to experience democracy at first hand and learn the importance of being active citizens.

School Council Meetings 2022-2023

Agenda- 21st October 2022                        Minutes – 21st October 2022

Agenda- 14th October 2022                        Minutes- 14th October 2022